As a parent, you want your children to be happy and successful in life. One of the best ways to help them achieve this is by teaching them to carve out their own path. By encouraging your kids to follow their own interests and passions, you can help them find…
Walk This Way
My husband decided for Lent that he was going to walk 10K steps per day. I decided over our recent vacation to Florida that I would join him in this mission. I have been making a big effort with strength training since I turned 50 and I am loving that…
I Am Loving My New Invisalign Smile
Are you considering Invisalign in 2023? Do you know someone who is considering it? Or, maybe you just started your Invisalign journey. I am sharing all my tips and tricks here. I had my Invisalign trays for six months in total. As I shared with you all when I started my Invisalign journey,…
An American (Family) in Paris
A few of our favorite things about our family trip to Paris Happy New Year! Here’s to good health, more good news, and big love in 2023! We ended 2022 with a bang. Our family went on a very special trip to Paris for Christmas break. It was magical to be there…
Season of Kindness
The holiday season is not always happy for everyone. No matter how you feel right now, the truth is that this time of year is often filled with emotions for everyone. If this month has been hard for you, I am with you. Our mom recently became critically ill in the hospital…
Top 10 List
10 Things I Wish I Knew Before Turning 50 November is my birthday month, hello Scorpio season! Turning 50 actually feels great so far. When you turn 50, you no longer have to apologize for your opinions. Here is my list of the top 10 things I wish I knew before turning…
My Favorite Age is Now
My big birthday is coming up. I am welcoming this milestone with open arms. Turning 50 actually feels less challenging than turning 40 did for me. Maybe that is because I had two babies at the time and I was really tired and overwhelmed. Or, maybe it is because I am more comfortable and happy…
Fall Checklist
Hello, fall 2022! As we embrace a new season ahead, we say goodbye to summer. I have actually been feeling anxious about this fall as we have a jam-packed schedule. Bring on the hockey season! It is also sinking in that this is Charlie’s last year with us at home. Cue the mom…
Taking Steps to Honor Capalbo Strong
Happy end of summer! Hope you’ve all enjoyed some great weather and made some great memories this summer. I know we have! My apologies that I have not been blogging much this summer. But I did release some new Podcast episodes so hopefully, you have listened to some of my new interviews. Thank you…
One-on-one Time with Your Kids
Lately, it seems that we are all busier than ever, so finding some free time can be hard. Recently, I was lucky that it worked out to find time to spend one-on-one time with each of my kids. I have read in many parenting books how important it is to spend time…