Last week I posted a photo of this sign on my Instagram from an ice hockey rink in Connecticut, and it seemed to strike a chord. It was honestly the best message I have ever seen posted at any athletic facility. If there is a way that we can get a sign like this to hang at every athletic facility in the USA, I’d say we go for it.

As a sports mom, this message hits home. I think about this often as I am driving to one of my kids’ practices or games to watch them play. I witness a lot of bad behavior by both kids and adults as I sit on the sidelines or in the stands. But kindness always wins in my book. If your kid loves a sport and is a kind human, then that’s a win. To me, it is never just about winning or losing (of course, I am a competitor and it feels good to win). But the bigger picture is about good sportsmanship.

My daughter, Blaine, got awarded the “hard hat” the other day by her hockey coach. The “hard hat” award is often given to the toughest player or the player that most impacted the win. Her coach told her team, she wasn’t getting the “hard hat” because of how she played, but it was because she is a good teammate. And to me, that is what counts the most. Teamwork makes the dream work. Now, how can we get more of these signs?
xoxo NBC

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