Where were you twenty years ago on 9/11/01? As we remember the terror attacks that changed America forever, I know we will all take some time this weekend to reflect and honor all those who died on that fateful September day. I was living in Boston working for NBC 7 News on…
Kids and Cell Phones
Thank you all so much for helping me via my Instagram as we dip our toes slowly into the shark pool of cell phones for our kids. Yes, it is true that we feel like we are literally the last ones to buy our son a phone as he turns 13. The…
Reflecting on 2020
As 2020 winds down, I’m sure we are all having lots of feelings about this past year. I won’t sugar coat it — I’m looking forward to putting this year behind us. From sickness and isolation to social division and economic hardships, this year has been heavy. I’m really looking forward…
Summer 2020 Travel
Happy summer! It’s official, summer 2020 is here and it will be quite different for most of us this year. Due to the COVID pandemic, our summer plans have changed several times already forcing our family to embrace the changes and go with the flow for the sake of health and safety.
The Ups and Downs of Quarantine Life
Welcome to May! A month that is usually known for parties, graduations, weddings, anniversaries, and lots of springtime fun. Now, here we are living in our new normal with none of the May events happening in the usual way. In our house, we have some important events that always happen in May…
Our Silver Lining
First and foremost, I hope you are all doing well and staying healthy and safe. If you are reading this, I want you to know I am sending my good thoughts your way during this very difficult time for all of us. Like many of you, we have friends who are…
Feel Good 2020
Happy New Year! Can you believe it? It is not only a new year but ALSO a brand new decade. I am so excited for all that’s ahead in 2020 and I hope you guys are too. After a great, relaxing, and super fun break over the holidays, I am…
A Setback is a Set Up for a Comeback
Charlie Capalbo is one of those guys that you just want to hang out with. He is a warrior in every sense of the word—you just want to be in his presence. When you meet him, he greets you with a big smile and a big hug. My kind of people! His story…
Time Is Precious
Welcome back. It’s September. Back to school, back to work. Let’s get back to it. The breather we took in August was very much needed and appreciated by my whole family. I am so glad we went “out of office” for even a few days!
Why I Need a Break
Hi guys! Hope you are all soaking up the last days and weeks of summer. Some of my friends have already started school (reality bites!). My kids go back to school after Labor Day, and I have mixed feelings about back to school time as a mom. I wanted to connect with…