When it comes to raising children, there’s just so much to talk about, right? I wanted to share more about a recently released book that has been extremely helpful to me as a mom. “How To Raise a Boy” is written by the well-known psychologist and author, Dr. Michael Reichert, out…
An Open Letter to Our Charlie
on His BirthdayDear Charlie, On your birthday, I want to say thank you for giving me the BEST job in the entire world. You made me a MOM. I am forever grateful that you gave me the honor of being your mom. I can’t believe that 11 years have gone by. It is going so…
We Are Family ❤
Our 8 year-old daughter said it best on her school assignment. “What is the best thing about the holidays?” She simply wrote down, “the best thing about the holidays is that it brings family together.” That simple reminder from our Boo was so perfectly said. The holidays are such a great…
Real Talk During the Holidays
This blog post is not exactly easy to write, but I am hoping by putting all this out into the universe, it will help others who might be experiencing similar circumstances and feelings. This “real talk” is what makes us real, authentic and honest. Sometimes, life can be heavy, and…
An Open Letter to Our Boo on Her Birthday
Dear Blaine, On your birthday, I am feeling so conflicted. I want you to stay little for as long as possible. I often stop and wonder how this is all happening so fast. Sometimes, I wish I could just freeze things now before you get all grown up on me!…
Back to Everything
Hi guys, welcome back! I have missed you all, but it’s great to return to my blog. What a fun summer it’s been! If you missed my big announcement this summer, I launched a new podcast on iTunes called “Nina’s Got Good News”. It was like having a third baby…
Won’t You Be My Neighbor?
My wish for all of you who are reading this blog and watching this vlog (video above) is that you’ll go see an important movie—the new Fred Rogers documentary, “Won’t You Be My Neighbor”. It is out in theaters and everyone should see it soon.
Going on Vacation this Summer? Try Something New!
Are you a creature of habit? Well I am. I love a routine, a habit, the same stuff, the same places, the same people, and my comfort zone! In our family’s case, we always go to Cape Cod in the summer for our family vacation. I mean after all, I have…
Let’s All Make Reading Books Cool Again
Not sure what’s gotten in to me—it must be the new year. Instead of goals and resolutions, I’m putting out my intentions and making a few small changes. Big goals and big resolutions are overwhelming me, so instead I am just starting with some small tweaks to my daily life. One…
Changin’ It Up In 2018
Happy New Year! We just returned from an amazing few days of fun in the sun in Florida. It was a very last minute decision to make this trip. We were supposed to go skiing in northern Vermont, but Mother Nature had other plans with extreme arctic record low temperatures…