Our London Family Travel Guide: Highlights & Tips for Teens Happy New Year! We are ready for 2025! London was the perfect family vacation destination, offering a mix of history, culture, and fun activities that kept everyone happy—including our two teenagers! Visiting London during the holidays is magical, but honestly visiting…
Why We’re Gifting Experiences This Christmas
As our kids get older, we’ve realized that the best gifts aren’t always wrapped in shiny paper. Instead of filling our home with things they might not need, we have started gifting experiences—memories that will last far longer than any electronic device or toy.
The Importance of a Strong Work Ethic
Do you remember your first “official” job? This has been on my mind recently as our firstborn child has just entered the working world with his first job for the summer. I got emotional when I dropped him off on his first day at his first job (proud mom), but that is not what we are…
Parenting in the Digital Age
One of the most frequently asked questions I get from other parents is about parenting in the digital world. This is such a complicated topic that I have written about before here on the blog, as well as, covered extensively on the “Nina’s Got Good News” Podcast. Fortunately, my feeling is that the…
Find Your Own Path
As a parent, you want your children to be happy and successful in life. One of the best ways to help them achieve this is by teaching them to carve out their own path. By encouraging your kids to follow their own interests and passions, you can help them find…
An Open Letter to Our Boo on Her Birthday
Dear Blaine, On your birthday, I am feeling so conflicted. I want you to stay little for as long as possible. I often stop and wonder how this is all happening so fast. Sometimes, I wish I could just freeze things now before you get all grown up on me!…
Back to Everything
Hi guys, welcome back! I have missed you all, but it’s great to return to my blog. What a fun summer it’s been! If you missed my big announcement this summer, I launched a new podcast on iTunes called “Nina’s Got Good News”. It was like having a third baby…
Won’t You Be My Neighbor?
My wish for all of you who are reading this blog and watching this vlog (video above) is that you’ll go see an important movie—the new Fred Rogers documentary, “Won’t You Be My Neighbor”. It is out in theaters and everyone should see it soon.
Let’s All Make Reading Books Cool Again
Not sure what’s gotten in to me—it must be the new year. Instead of goals and resolutions, I’m putting out my intentions and making a few small changes. Big goals and big resolutions are overwhelming me, so instead I am just starting with some small tweaks to my daily life. One…
Changin’ It Up In 2018
Happy New Year! We just returned from an amazing few days of fun in the sun in Florida. It was a very last minute decision to make this trip. We were supposed to go skiing in northern Vermont, but Mother Nature had other plans with extreme arctic record low temperatures…